approach to increasing fluency in the classroom.
Effective fluency practice kids enjoy, without taking time away from classroom instruction.

Fluency practice designed to be more engaging, more independent, and more effective.
Created in a classroom to help kids independently improve fluency and comprehension during reading rotations. It is research-based, effective, and students enjoy the lessons!

Jeremy Spartz
Teacher, Parent, and Founder of Lyrics2Learn

Find out WHY Students love Lyrics2Learn
- Music activates more of the brain, makes every text fun and interactive, accelerates reading improvement, and helps foster a life-long love for reading.
- Fusing music, rhythm and rhyme, with the proven fluency strategies of repeated, choral and assisted reading increase student engagement and motivation to read
- Fluency and background knowledge are key components of comprehension. By incorporating music with repeated reading, students not only increase fluency, they retain more information and rapidly build background knowledge.
- To create life-long readers, we need to help kids feel and connect to what they read. Music provokes emotion and feeling. Fusing music to text connects emotion to words in a story.
“ 100% of my kids made benchmark, and over 60% of them doubled it when I used Lyrics2learn as a reading center every week. ”